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Increases or decreases the scale of the current file display relative to the top left corner of the main screen. The Delta value parameter shows scrolling distance per mouse wheel scroll. The Delta parameter can be positive or negative within the following range of values: -120 ≤ Delta ≥ 120 depending on the scrolling direction.


Step1. Command: ZoomAtPoint

Step2. Enter wheel delta: enter the distance at which the image must be enlarged or reduced.

Step3. Enter X coordinate: enter the X coordinate in screen pixels relative to the top left corner of the main screen

Step4. Enter Y coordinate: enter the Y coordinate in screen pixels relative to the top left corner of the main screen.

Call of the command via XML API

To reduce the image in the display area execute the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cadsofttools version="2">
 <command text="ZoomAtPoint -150 0 0"/>

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