Adding an SHX font

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Adding an SHX font

ABViewer supports SHX fonts. If the used in the drawing font is missing or the path to it isn't specified it is automatically substituted for an alternative font which is defined by the user. By default simplex.shx font is used.


Adding a Search Path for SHX Fonts

Adding SHX fonts is fulfilled in the Fonts tab of the dialog box Options.

1.Select the command File -> Options.

2.Open the tab Fonts.

3.Check the option Use SHX fonts in the upper left corner of the tab. The fields of the group SHX Fonts will become available for editing.

4.Click on the button [...] on the right of the field Search Path. The dialog box Directories will open.

5.Click on the button [...] over the button Delete Invalid Paths. Select the directory with SHX fonts in the opened dialog box. Press OK.

6.In the dialog Directory you will see the path to the chosen directory in the edited field over the control buttons. To add this directory to the list of the search paths click on the button Add. After that the selected path will be displayed in the list of the search paths.

7.Press OK.


For the changes to take effect you should reload the file. To do that select the command Reload File from the File tab or use the hotkey Ctrl+R. After that the fonts will be searched for from the specified folder.


Replacing an existing SHX fonts search path with another one.

There is a possibility of replacing an existing SHX fonts search path with a new one.

1.Select the command File -> Options.

2.Open the tab Fonts.

3.Check the option Use SHX fonts in the upper left corner of the tab. The fields of the group SHX Fonts will become available for editing.

4.Click on the button [...] on the right of the field Search Path. The dialog box Directories will open.

5.Select the path you want to replace with another one in the list of the paths.

6.Click on the button [...] over the button Delete Invalid Paths. Select the new directory with SHX fonts in the opened dialog box. Press OK.

7.In the dialog Directory you will see the path to the chosen directory in the edited field over the control buttons. Click on the button Replace. After that the earlier selected directory will be replaced with another one in the list.

8.Press OK.


For the changes to take effect you should reload the file. To do that select the command Reload File from the File tab or use the hotkey Ctrl+R. After that the fonts will be searched for from the specified folder.



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