Provides methods for displaying the coordinates of three-dimensional vertex in the properties window.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Vertex3D type.

Name Description
Public constructor Vertex3D Initializes a new instance of the Vertex3D class.
Name Description
Public property Bulge Gets or sets Vertex3D object roundedness
Public property EndWidth Gets or sets a width at the end point of a polyline segment that started at this vertex.
Public property Point Gets or sets Vertex3D object position
Public property StartWidth Gets or sets a width at the start point of a polyline segment that started at this vertex.
Name Description
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method OnValueChange Raises the ChangeValue event.
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public event ChangeValue Occurs when a coordinate of a three-dimensional vertex in the properties window is changed.