Provides functionality for displaying the entity properties in the PropertyGrid control.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ObjEntity type.

Name Description
Public property Bottom Gets the Y coordinate of the entity's lowest point.
Public property CodePage Get a codepage of a cadimage
Public property Color Gets or sets a color of the entity.
Public property Color_type Gets or sets a color type for the entity.
Public property EntName Gets an entity name.
Public property Handle Gets a number that uniquely identifies the entity.
Public property Layer Gets or sets a name of a layer containing this entity.
Public property Static LayersList Gets or sets a list of layers for the properties window.
Public property Left Gets the X coordinate of the entity's left-most point.
Public property LineType_scale
Public property Line_type Gets a line type for an entity.
Public property Static Line_types_list Gets or sets a list of types of the entity's lines
Public property Line_weight Gets or sets a thickness of lines used for drawing this entity.
Public property Name Gets a name of the entity.
Public property ReadCom
Public property ReadPos
Public property Right Gets the X coordinate of the entity's right-most point.
Public property Top Gets the Y coordinate of the entity's highest point.
Public property Z1 Gets the Z coordinate of the entity's start point.
Public property Z2 Gets the Z coordinate of the entity's end point.
Name Description
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString
Name Description
Public field Static cadImage A CADImage which contains this ObjEntity.
Public field Static propGrid A PropertyGrid object representing a table where the entity's properties are displayed.