Assembly: CADImport (in CADImport.dll)

Name Description
Public class DXFArc Represents an arc in a DXF image.
Public class DXFBlock Represents the block entity in a DXF image.
Public class DXFData The DXFData class can contain information about any DXF entity.
Public class DXFDimension Represents dimensions in a DXF image.
Public class DXFEllipse Represents an ellipse in a DXF image.
Public class DXFExport This is a basic class of export. All methods for formation of a dxf file are determined here.
Public class DXFFigure This is a base class of figures.
Public class DXFHatch Represents a hatch in a DXF image.
Public class DXFLayer Represents a layer in a DXF image.
Public class DXFLine Represents a line in a DXF image.
Public class DXFMText DXF metric text class.
Public class DXFPixel Represents a pixel in a DXF image.
Public class DXFPoint Represents a 3D point in a DXF image.
Public class DXFPolyBezier Represents the polybezier line in a DXF image.
Public class DXFPolyline Represents a polyline in a DXF image.
Public class DXFRectangle Represents a Rectangle in a DXF image.
Public class DXFSolid Represents a solid in a DXF image.
Public class DXFText Represents a text in a DXF image.
Name Description
Public structure DXFHatchPatternData Represents the hatch pattern data
Public structure DimensionStyle A style of dimension
Public structure Line Auxiliary structure of a line
Public structure Rect Auxiliary structure of a rectangle
Name Description
Public enumeration ArcType Types for DXFArc
Public enumeration AutoCADVersion Version types of AutoCAD.
Public enumeration DXFIntConst Types of DXF color.
Public enumeration DimensionArrowType Type of the dimension arrow
Public enumeration DimensionType A type of dimension
Public enumeration HatchBoundaryType Types for DXFHatch.
Public enumeration HatchStyle Type styles of a hatch

Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista; Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows 10

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 2.0 - 4, NET6

.NET Framework Client Profile

Supported in: 4, 3.5 SP1