Provides a possibility of drawing's rotation.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Orbit3D type.

Name Description
Public constructor Orbit3D Creates a new instance of the Orbit3D object.
Name Description
Public property CADImage Gets or sets a CADImage object that is manipulated by the 3D Orbit tool.
Public property Height Gets or sets a height of the 3D Orbit tool.
Public property IsMouseDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether a mouse button is pressed.
Public property Parent Gets or sets a Control on which a CADImage is drawn.
Public property Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the 3D Orbit tool is visible.
Public property Width Gets or sets a width of the 3D Orbit tool.
Name Description
Public method Disable3dOrbit Deactivates the 3D Orbit tool.
Public method Enable3dOrbit Activates the 3D Orbit tool.
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method OnMouseDown Handles the MouseDown event.
Public method OnMouseMove Handles the MouseMove event.
Public method OnMouseUp Handles the MouseUp event.
Public method OnPaint Handles the Paint event.
Public method OnRotate Invokes RotateEvent
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public event RotateEvent Occurs when the drawing is rotated with Orbit3D tool