Represents a helix in a CAD image.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CADHelix type.

Name Description
Public constructor CADHelix Initializes a new instance of the CADSpline class. (inherited from CADSpline).
Name Description
Public property Box Return box of the current primitive. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property Clockweise Gets or sets whether or not the CADHelix object is clockwise
Public property Closed Gets or sets a value indicating whether this CADPolyLine is closed. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property Color Gets or sets a color of the pen for this CADPenEntity. (inherited from CADPenEntity).
Public property ControlCount Gets a number of control points. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property Controls Gets or sets a collection of control points. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property Converter Gets or sets a CADConverter associated with this CADObjectEntity. (inherited from CADObjectEntity).
Public property Count Gets a number of entities contained in the given CADPolylineBase. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property DashStyle Gets or sets DashStyle for CADPenEntity object (inherited from CADPenEntity).
Public property Degree Gets or sets degree of the CADSpline. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property DottedSingPoints Gets a collection of points that specify the dots and dashes of the CADPolylineBase. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property EntName Gets a name of the CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property EntType Gets the type of this CADHelix entity.
Public property Entities Gets a collection of all entities owned by this CADEntity. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property ExtendedData Provides access to entity extended data (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property Extrusion Gets or sets a direction of axis Z belonging to the coordinate system of this CADPenLine object. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public property Fit Gets or sets a collection of fit points. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property FitCount Gets a number of fit points. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property Flags Gets or sets a number that specifies an appearance of this CADPolylineBase entity. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property Handle Gets a CADEntity handle. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property IsMeshMClosed Gets a value indicating whether a mesh represented by this CADPolylineBase is closed in the M direction. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property IsMeshNClosed Gets a value indicating whether a mesh represented by this CADPolylineBase is closed in the N direction. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property IsPolyFaceMesh Indicates that the current primitive is mesh. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property IsPolyZThickness Gets a value indicating whether a line thickness measured along the axis Z is equal to 0. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property IsPolygonMesh Indicates that the current primitive is mesh. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property Knots Gets a collection of knots for this CADSpline entity. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property Layer Gets or sets a layer this CADPlotEntity belongs to. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property LineType Gets or sets line type for this CADPenLine object. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public property LineTypeName Gets a name of line type for this CADPenLine object (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public property LineTypeScale Gets or sets a value equal to a quantity of linetype elements per unit of its length. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property LineWeight Gets or sets a thickness of lines for this CADPenLine object. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public property Lines Gets or sets a type of the line for the CADPenLine entity. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public property Point Gets or sets a point that specifies a position of the CADPenLine entity in the CAD drawing. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public property PolyPoints Gets a collection of points belonging to the polyline. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public property Radius Gets or sets a start radius of the CADHelix object
Public property Selected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CADEntity is selected. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public property Start Gets or sets start point of the CADHelix object
Public property TurnHeight Gets or sets heigh of one turn of the CADHelix object
Public property Turns Gets or sets number of turns in this CADHelix object
Public property Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CADPlotEntity is visible. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CADPlotEntity is visible taking into account a state of the layer this CADPlotEntity belongs to. (inherited from CADPlotEntity).
Public property Weights Gets a collection of weights for CADSpline points. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public property Width Gets or sets a line width of CADPenEntity object (inherited from CADPenEntity).
Public property ZThick Gets or sets a line thickness measured along the axis Z for this CADPenLine entity. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Name Description
Public method AddEntity Virtual method. Redefined in descendant classes. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method AddThick Increases a size of the rectangle that encloses the CADPenLine entity after increasing its thickness. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public method ApplyBox Calculates a box of the current entity. (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public method AssignEntity Copies an entity
Public method ChangeEntity Edits current entity by specified offset (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method Clone Copies an entity (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the CADEntity. (inherited from CADSpline).
Public method DrawEntityTrace Implements drawing of an entity with the specified offset to the specified Control (inherited from CADSpline).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method GetBoxPoints Used in drawing cycle for fast checking whether the entity must be drawn (inherited from CADPolylineBase).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Loaded Loads this CADSpline to the specified CADConverter.
Public method OnDraw Raises a DrawEvent. (inherited from CADEntity).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method SetLType Sets a linetype for the CADPenLine entity. (inherited from CADPenLine).
Public method ToString (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public field DrawEvent Occurs when the CADEntity is drawn in the CAD image. (inherited from CADEntity).