Represents CAD files editor component

The following tables list the members exposed by the CADEditorControl type.

Name Description
Public constructor CADEditorControl Initializes a new instance of the CADEditorControl class.
Name Description
Public property AboutForm Gets 'About' window
Public property AccessibilityObject (inherited from Control).
Public property AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (inherited from Control).
Public property AccessibleDescription (inherited from Control).
Public property AccessibleName (inherited from Control).
Public property AccessibleRole (inherited from Control).
Public property Active Gets a parameter that indicates if the MainForm window is active
Public property ActiveControl (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public property AllowDrop (inherited from Control).
Public property Anchor (inherited from Control).
Public property AutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public property AutoScaleMode (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public property AutoScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property AutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property AutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property AutoScrollOffset (inherited from Control).
Public property AutoScrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property AutoSize (inherited from UserControl).
Public property AutoSizeMode (inherited from UserControl).
Public property AutoValidate (inherited from UserControl).
Public property BackColor (inherited from Control).
Public property BackgroundImage (inherited from Control).
Public property BackgroundImageLayout (inherited from Control).
Public property BindingContext (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public property BorderStyle (inherited from UserControl).
Public property Bottom (inherited from Control).
Public property Bounds (inherited from Control).
Public property CanFocus (inherited from Control).
Public property CanSelect (inherited from Control).
Public property Capture (inherited from Control).
Public property CausesValidation (inherited from Control).
Public property Static CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls (inherited from Control).
Public property ClientRectangle (inherited from Control).
Public property ClientSize (inherited from Control).
Public property ClipRectangle Gets or sets an area selection tool
Public property ColorDraw Gets a parameter to draw an image in color or black-and-white mode
Public property CompanyName (inherited from Control).
Public property Container (inherited from Component).
Public property ContainsFocus (inherited from Control).
Public property ContextMenu (inherited from Control).
Public property ContextMenuStrip (inherited from Control).
Public property Controls (inherited from Control).
Public property CreateNewEntity Gets true if entity creating mode is enabled at the moment
Public property Created (inherited from Control).
Public property CurrentAutoScaleDimensions (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public property Cursor (inherited from Control).
Public property DataBindings (inherited from Control).
Public property Static DefaultBackColor (inherited from Control).
Public property Static DefaultFont (inherited from Control).
Public property Static DefaultForeColor (inherited from Control).
Public property DeviceDpi (inherited from Control).
Public property DimensionVisible Gets or sets dimentions visibility
Public property DisplayRectangle (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property Disposing (inherited from Control).
Public property Dock (inherited from Control).
Public property DockPadding (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property EditorCADPictureBox Gets CADPictureBox control, where an image is drawn
Public property EnableSnap Gets or sets enabling or disabling of the snap
Public property Enabled (inherited from Control).
Public property EndPoint Gets or sets the point that belongs to entity after offsetting or editing by marker
Public property EntitiesCreator Gets or sets the visual entities creating object
Public property EntityPropertyGrid Gets or sets entity properties grid
Public property EntityPropertyGridVisible Gets or sets visibility of the entity properties grid
Public property Focused (inherited from Control).
Public property Font (inherited from Control).
Public property ForeColor (inherited from Control).
Public property Handle (inherited from Control).
Public property HasChildren (inherited from Control).
Public property Height (inherited from Control).
Public property HorizontalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property Image Gets CADImage object that corresponds the main class for reading/drawing/viewing of cad file contents
Public property ImageBaseSize Gets or sets base dimensions of the image drawing area
Public property ImageDRect Gets the current size and position of the drawing image
Public property ImagePosition Gets or sets a position of the drawing image
Public property ImageRectangleF Gets the current size and position of the drawing image as
Public property ImageScale Gets or sets scale of the drawing image
Public property ImeMode (inherited from Control).
Public property InFileName Gets or sets a name of the file to open
Public property InvokeRequired (inherited from Control).
Public property IsAccessible (inherited from Control).
Public property IsDisposed (inherited from Control).
Public property IsHandleCreated (inherited from Control).
Public property IsMirrored (inherited from Control).
Public property LayerForm Gets or sets layers settings window
Public property LayoutEngine (inherited from Control).
Public property Left (inherited from Control).
Public property Location (inherited from Control).
Public property Margin (inherited from Control).
Public property MaximumSize (inherited from Control).
Public property MinimumSize (inherited from Control).
Public property Static ModifierKeys (inherited from Control).
Public property Static MouseButtons (inherited from Control).
Public property Static MousePosition (inherited from Control).
Public property Name (inherited from Control).
Public property OptionsForm Gets or sets settings window
Public property OutFileName Gets or sets a name of the file to save
Public property Padding (inherited from Control).
Public property Parent (inherited from Control).
Public property ParentForm (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public property PictureBox Gets CADPictureBox control that is used for visualization of drawings.
Public property PreferredSize (inherited from Control).
Public property PreviousImagePosition Gets or sets previous position of the drawing image
Public property PreviousImageScale Gets or sets previous scale of the drawing image
Public property PrintingForm Gets or sets preview and printing settings window
Public property ProductName (inherited from Control).
Public property ProductVersion (inherited from Control).
Public property PropertyEntityPanelVisible Gets or sets visibility of the entity properties panel
Public property RealScale Gets displaying the realscale of the image
Public property RealScaleDouble Gets the displaying scale of this image
Public property RecreatingHandle (inherited from Control).
Public property RegForm Gets the registration window
Public property Region (inherited from Control).
Public property RegistrationForm Gets or sets the registration window
Public property Right (inherited from Control).
Public property RightToLeft (inherited from Control).
Public property SHXForm Gets or sets shx fonts settings window
Public property SetRasterSizeForm Gets or sets the settings window for raster images saving
Public property ShowLineWeight Gets or sets lines weight visibility
Public property Site (inherited from Control).
Public property Size (inherited from Control).
Public property StartPoint Gets or sets the entity point which was selected before offsetting or editing by marker
Public property StatusBarPanel Gets or sets status bar panel
Public property StatusBarPanelVisible Gets or sets visibility of the status bar panel
Public property SuppressVisualMove Prevents entity move by mouse if true
Public property TabIndex (inherited from Control).
Public property TabStop (inherited from Control).
Public property Tag (inherited from Control).
Public property Text (inherited from UserControl).
Public property TextVisible Gets or sets text visibility
Public property ToolsPanel Gets or sets tools panel
Public property ToolsPanelVisible Gets or sets tools panel visibility
Public property Top (inherited from Control).
Public property TopLevelControl (inherited from Control).
Public property UseWaitCursor (inherited from Control).
Public property VerticalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public property Visible (inherited from Control).
Public property Width (inherited from Control).
Public property WindowTarget (inherited from Control).
Name Description
Public method BeginInvoke (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method Black_Click Paints the CAD image background in the black color.
Public method BringToFront (inherited from Control).
Public method CalculateNewSizeImage Recalculates the current image sizes.
Public method ChancelMove Verifies suitability of the entity moving
Public method ChangeControlState Sets the current mode of controls
Public method ChangeDimensionsVisiblity Shows or hides dimensions in the current CAD image.
Public method ChangeEntityOnMouseMove Changes CADEntity position by changing marker position or entity dragging
Public method ChangeShowLineWeight Alternately changes a boolean value that indicates if a thickness of lines is determined by the file data.
Public method ChangeTextsVisiblity Shows or hides texts in the current CAD image.
Public method ChangeTreeVisiblity Shows or hides a panel that contains the entities tree.
Public method ClearCADImage Clears current CADImage object
Public method ClearSelection Clears selection and redraws entities
Public method CloseFile Closes a currently open CAD file.
Public method Contains (inherited from Control).
Public method CreateControl (inherited from Control).
Public method CreateGraphics (inherited from Control).
Public method CreateNewImage (Overloaded) Create a new CADImage object
Public method CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject).
Public method DeleteSelectedEntities Deletes selected entities
Public method Dispose (inherited from Component).
Public method DoBlackColor Displays a CAD image in black and white colors.
Public method DoDragDrop (inherited from Control).
Public method DoNormalColor Displays a CAD image in all used colors.
Public method Static DoResize Resizes the CAD image to fit drawing's bounds.
Public method DoZoomIn Increases a scale of the CAD image to twice.
Public method DoZoomOut Decreases a scale of the CAD image to twice.
Public method DrawCADImage Draws a CAD image from the loaded CAD file.
Public method DrawToBitmap (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method EnableButton Enables or disables buttons of the toolbar and menu items of the main menu.
Public method EndAddEntity Finishes adding of the CADEntity
Public method EndInvoke (inherited from Control).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) (inherited from Object).
Public method FindForm (inherited from Control).
Public method Focus (inherited from Control).
Public method Static FromChildHandle (inherited from Control).
Public method Static FromHandle (inherited from Control).
Public method GetChildAtPoint (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method GetContainerControl (inherited from Control).
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object).
Public method GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject).
Public method GetNextControl (inherited from Control).
Public method GetPreferredSize (inherited from Control).
Public method GetRealPoint (Overloaded) Gets a three-dimensional point of the current CAD image from the specified screen point.
Public method GetType (inherited from Object).
Public method Hide (inherited from Control).
Public method InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject).
Public method Invalidate (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method InvalidateImage Invalidates a specific region of the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
Public method Invoke (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method Static IsKeyLocked (inherited from Control).
Public method Static IsMnemonic (inherited from Control).
Public method LoadFile (Overloaded) Loads a CAD file into the main application's form.
Public method LoadSettings Loads saved application settings
Public method LogicalToDeviceUnits (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method MoveEntity Moves a selected entitiy to the specified position
Public method NewProtectionSettings Fills the specified list with the current protection settings.
Public method OnChangeBackgroundColor Invokes ChangeBackgroundColor event
Public method OnChangeDimensionShow Invokes ChangeDimensionShow event
Public method OnChangeDrawingColors Invokes ChangeDrawingColors event
Public method OnChangeEntityPanelVisible Invokes ChangeEntityPanelVisible event
Public method OnChangeEntityPropertyGridVisible Invokes ChangeEntityPropertyGridVisible event
Public method OnChangeLanguage Invokes ChangeLanguage event
Public method OnChangeLineWeightShow Invokes ChangeLineWeightShow event
Public method OnChangeSnapEnable Invokes ChangeSnapEnables event
Public method OnChangeStatusBarVisible Invokes ChangeStatusBarVisible event
Public method OnChangeTextShow Invokes ChangeTextShow event
Public method OnChangeToolsPanelVisible Invokes ChangeToolsPanelVisible event
Public method OnEndLoadFile Invokes EndLoadFile event
Public method PerformAutoScale (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public method PerformLayout (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method PointToClient (inherited from Control).
Public method PointToScreen (inherited from Control).
Public method PreProcessControlMessage (inherited from Control).
Public method PreProcessMessage (inherited from Control).
Public method PutToClipboard Saves image to Clipboard
Public method ReOpen Reopens a file after selecting or deselecting SHX fonts.
Public method RectangleToClient (inherited from Control).
Public method RectangleToScreen (inherited from Control).
Public method RedoChangeEntity Performs the last undid changing of the entity
Public method Static ReferenceEquals (inherited from Object).
Public method Refresh (inherited from Control).
Public method Register Registers the CADImportNet library.
Public method ResetBackColor (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetBindings (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetCursor (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetFont (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetForeColor (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetImeMode (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetRightToLeft (inherited from Control).
Public method ResetScaling Sets scale and the position of the CAD image to its original values.
Public method ResetText (inherited from Control).
Public method ResumeLayout (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method SaveAsDXF Saves image as DXF
Public method SaveAsImage (Overloaded) Saves current image
Public method SaveProtectionSettings Makes the specified settings the current ones.
Public method SaveSettings Saves application settings
Public method Scale (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method ScaleBitmapLogicalToDevice (inherited from Control).
Public method ScrollControlIntoView (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public method Select (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method SelectEntity Selects an entity by the specified coordinates. Sets a number of settings on entity selection.
Public method SelectNextControl (inherited from Control).
Public method SendToBack (inherited from Control).
Public method SetAllFormsLanguageSettings Sets the current language file for all child forms
Public method SetAutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public method SetBlackBackGround Sets black color for CADPictureBox background and appropriate lines color on default
Public method SetBounds (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method SetCADImageOptions Sets current properties for CADImage for loading file
Public method SetColorLayer Sets a layer color by the specified layer index
Public method SetFreezeLayer Sets CADLayer.Frozen parameter for the layer by the specified layer index
Public method SetNewEntityPosition Sets a new position for CADEntity on offsetting using start and end positions
Public method SetNewMarkerPosition Sets a new position for CADEntity on editing by markers using start and end positions
Public method SetScale Sets the new scale factor
Public method SetSizePictureBox Sets a scroll region for CADPictureBox
Public method SetSnapMode Sets the snap mode
Public method SetVisibleLayer Sets CADLayer.Visible parameter for the layer by the specified layer index
Public method SetWhiteBackGround Sets white color for CADPictureBox background and appropriate lines color on default
Public method Shift Moves an image at start position for new sizes, when scale changes.
Public method Show (Overloaded) (inherited from Control).
Public method ShowCustomPrintPreviewDialog Shows CustomPrintPreview dialog
Public method ShowPrintPreviewDialog Shows PrintPreview dialog
Public method ShowRect
Public method SuspendLayout (inherited from Control).
Public method ToString (inherited from Component).
Public method UndoChangeEntity Undoes last changing of the entity
Public method Unregister Closes all registration resources.
Public method Update (inherited from Control).
Public method UseClipRect Enables ClipRect tool for set of entities selection
Public method Validate (Overloaded) (inherited from ContainerControl).
Public method ValidateChildren (Overloaded) (inherited from UserControl).
Public method ViewLayouts Creates a list of layouts of the CAD image and sets the current layout.
Public method White_Click Paints the CAD image background in the white color.
Public method Zoom Adjusts the image size according to the specified scale.
Public method chLay_ItemCheck Makes the layers of the loaded CAD image visible or invisible.
Name Description
Public event AutoSizeChanged (inherited from UserControl).
Public event AutoValidateChanged (inherited from UserControl).
Public event BackColorChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event BackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event BindingContextChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event CausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event ChangeBackgroundColor Occurs when the background of the drawing was changed
Public event ChangeDimensionShow Occurs when displaying of the dimensions was enabled or disabled
Public event ChangeDrawingColors Occurs when the color type of the drawing was changed (black-and-white/color)
Public event ChangeEntityPanelVisible Occurs when visibility of the entity tree was changed
Public event ChangeEntityPropertyGridVisible Occurs when visibility of the entity properties inspector was changed
Public event ChangeLanguage Appears when the language of the application was changed
Public event ChangeLineWeightShow Occurs when displaying of the lines weight was enabled or disabled
Public event ChangeSnapEnable Occurs when the snap was enabled or disabled
Public event ChangeStatusBarVisible Occurs when visibility of the status panel was changed
Public event ChangeTextShow Occurs when displaying of the texts was enabled or disabled
Public event ChangeToolsPanelVisible Occurs when visibility of the tool panel was changed
Public event ChangeUICues (inherited from Control).
Public event Click (inherited from Control).
Public event ClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event ContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event ContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event ControlAdded (inherited from Control).
Public event ControlRemoved (inherited from Control).
Public event CursorChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event Disposed (inherited from Component).
Public event DockChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event DoubleClick (inherited from Control).
Public event DpiChangedAfterParent (inherited from Control).
Public event DpiChangedBeforeParent (inherited from Control).
Public event DragDrop (inherited from Control).
Public event DragEnter (inherited from Control).
Public event DragLeave (inherited from Control).
Public event DragOver (inherited from Control).
Public event EnabledChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event EndLoadFile Occurs when loading of the file was finished
Public event Enter (inherited from Control).
Public event FontChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event ForeColorChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event GiveFeedback (inherited from Control).
Public event GotFocus (inherited from Control).
Public event HandleCreated (inherited from Control).
Public event HandleDestroyed (inherited from Control).
Public event HelpRequested (inherited from Control).
Public event ImeModeChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event Invalidated (inherited from Control).
Public event KeyDown (inherited from Control).
Public event KeyPress (inherited from Control).
Public event KeyUp (inherited from Control).
Public event Layout (inherited from Control).
Public event Leave (inherited from Control).
Public event Load (inherited from UserControl).
Public event LocationChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event LostFocus (inherited from Control).
Public event MarginChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseClick (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseDown (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseEnter (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseHover (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseLeave (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseMove (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseUp (inherited from Control).
Public event MouseWheel (inherited from Control).
Public event Move (inherited from Control).
Public event PaddingChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event Paint (inherited from Control).
Public event ParentChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event PreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control).
Public event QueryAccessibilityHelp (inherited from Control).
Public event QueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control).
Public event RegionChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event Resize (inherited from Control).
Public event RightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event Scroll (inherited from ScrollableControl).
Public event SizeChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event StyleChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event SystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event TabIndexChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event TabStopChanged (inherited from Control).
Public event TextChanged (inherited from UserControl).
Public event Validated (inherited from Control).
Public event Validating (inherited from Control).
Public event VisibleChanged (inherited from Control).